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National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)

National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)

The NPIP is a voluntary State–Federal cooperative testing and certification program for poultry breeding flocks, baby chicks, poults, hatching eggs, hatcheries, and dealers. The objective of the NPIP is to provide establishing standards for the evaluation (testing) of poultry breeding stock, baby chicks, poults, and hatching eggs with respect to freedom from certain diseases.

The primary diseases covered by the NPIP are avian influenza (fowl plague) and S. pullorum (pullorum disease)/S. gallinarum (fowl typhoid) although many other disease and program options are available for commercial poultry.

Many states and most U.S. trading partners require NPIP or similar disease testing for interstate/international movement. Our state and county fairs require this testing as well for birds to be displayed.

Please click here for more NPIP information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have further questions or want to set up an NPIP appointment please click here to contact us.

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